Discover the Best Bots on Telegram! 🤖
We curate the Top Telegram Bots, so you can enhance your Telegram Chats and supercharge your group with extra features!

How to list on Top Telegram Bots?
Whether you are a Telegram Bot Developer or just an enthusiastic Bot User, you can list your desired Telegram Bot on our Website to reach a wider audience and increase its visibility.

First Step 🤖
Click on the Main Button directly on the Homepage and a Popup will appear. Fill in the Full URL of your Telegram Bot and upload the Bot Logo. If there is a Website for the Telegram Bot, you can insert the Bot Website URL aswell.

Second Step ✅
Describe the functionalities of the Bot and how it works. Keep it as simple and precise as possible, so users can get a quick glimpse into how the bot works. Then, choose a fitting Category and click on Submit. You will have to verify the Bot Listing on Telegram and it will be listed instantly!